Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Foot Asset

This is a foot asset I created.

Here is a screen capture:

Password: Houdini


Box Model Asset

This is an asset I created to make boxy parts. It can be used to create any part of the body(like torso, pelvis, limbs,etc)

Here is a screen capture:

Password: Houdini



Thursday, August 1, 2013

User friendly

Hi guys,

Today I've been trying to make the parameters more user friendly. Pari told me it would be great if we could pin our current tab with the result that the user doesn't get lost in the nodes within the Mech Warrior Asset (especially when a user tries to animate). The result is a floating window which is created when the Mech Warrior is created and stays pinned (screenshot):

Also I've been trying to fix the rotation issues (I want the rotation handles of a bodypart which is changed by a bodypart below adapt to the new rotation values given by the bodypart below it), unfortunately that doesn't work yet. If you guys have any ideas how to fix this issue, please let me know!

I would like you guys to test out the skeleton and report me when it brakes so I can fix that.

Thanks and cheers!


Thursday, July 18, 2013


Added paint controls to the poly based greeble : Artists can paint fans,extrusions and tiles

Added a new type of greeble which adds much more detail to a simple geometry. It works on a per primitive basis.

Please let me know if you think this approach is good so I can go ahead and build a library of shapes for it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hey all. Made a new limb asset today. I want to add more detail to the wires, right now they just have random extrusions. Any ideas welcome.

Filename : LIMB_WIRES_V01


Password: houdini

And I came across this awesome post with loads of transformers concept art. Thought it would be cool to share

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I created this asset to generate random internal parts.
Password: Houdini

For the internals of the different body parts this asset can be used to create random geometries. The asset takes shape of the bouding box and it can be scaled down within the bounding box to make it fit into other assets. Right now there are 8 different small parts that are randomly placed, more parts can be added to it to create more variations.

I used this asset to create the internals of the Skeleton Limb asset I created previously.


Pelvis Type1 V01

This is a pelvis I modelled. For the part where the legs will be connected I gave a option of 2 or 4 legs. Right now for the connectors I have discs as place holders.

 It works well with various shapes of the bounding box.

